
Gwo-Hwa Wan, 王 根樹, 李 芝珊, 王 秋森

研究成果: 期刊稿件文章同行評審


     本研究主要目的在透過文獻回顧之形式蒐集相關文獻,探討全球環境變遷與氣候變遷對公共衛生可能造成之衝擊,並嘗試提出因應對策以供政府施政之參考。針對全球氣候變遷及環境變遷對公共衛生之衝擊,由於無法以實證之方式探討相關效應,僅能以文獻回顧之方式探討氣候及環境變遷對人體健康所產生之影響。文獻顯示環境變遷之直接衝擊主要在熱危害,間接衝擊則涵蓋病媒導致之傳染病、紫外線導致之皮膚病變、環境污染導致之過敏、氣喘等疾病盛行率之增加等。但由於生態系受環境及氣候影響所產生之效應不易確定,加上目前相關領域之研究成果無法針對未來五十 年生態系之變化作一預測,以致無法確實評估氣候及環境變遷對人體健康所可能產生之影響。
     Critical literature review was used in this study to collect the information concerning the potential ompact of global environmental changes on public health. Although the potential influence of global warming on public health has been a subject of study for decades, no clear conclusions have been made. The vulnerability of public health to environmental changes is hypothetical until the degree of change is known. The global envirnmental changes may have direct or indirect effects on public health. The mai n direct effects are heat stroke and heat exhaustion. The indirect effects from global changes include changes in the pattern and trends of vectorborne diseases from unusual distribution of vectors, increased skin diseases from ultraviolet light, and increased cases of allerty and asthma from environmental pollution. However, due to uncertainty concerning the impact of global climate changes on public health, it will be difficult to justify trends and correlation between observed health changes and environ mental changes.
頁(從 - 到)20-32
出版狀態已出版 - 2000


  • 全球環境變遷
  • 公共衛生
  • 氣候變遷
