
李 曉文, 梁 又照, Wen-Ko Chiou, 藍 孝勤, Alice May-Kuen Wong

研究成果: 期刊稿件文章同行評審


的:高齡者在老化情況下,不可避免會有身體結構或功能衰退,而老化所帶來之慢性病又與不活動有相當大的關係。國內對於高齡者從事休閒運動之需求較無探討,而運動器械亦甚少考慮到高齡使用者及體弱者。本研究希望能以高齡者為主要族群,提供並發展太極六式運動器械。讓健康高齡者及腦中風偏癱者使用後,分析使用器械之滿意度,並加以比較。 方法:本研究將太極六式運動器械,放置長庚桃園分院進行使用滿意度研究。共有 34位高齡者 (男性19位,女性15位) 參與本研究,其中健康高齡者20位,腦中風偏癱者 14位,年齡在 68.6 ± 0.07。測試與評估,在指導下學習正確使用方式,操作 30分鐘後並接受使用滿意度問卷調查。 結果:由於高齡者對太極拳運動接受度良好,故本研究發展太極六式運動器械,測試結果如下:(1) 健康高齡者與腦中風偏癱者,對於本研究所提出之運動器械在整體滿意度上沒有顯著差異 (4.4±0.46與4.73±0.25,p>0.05)。(2) 在使用性測試中發現,健康高齡者與腦中風偏癱者在身體機能有差異,結果亦有不同之處。健康高齡組對下肢運動器械滿意度較高,而腦中風偏癱高齡組則對上肢運動器械滿意度較高,但整體未達統計學上之差異。(3) 第三式開合手運動器械,在腦中風偏癱者組及女性組平均偏低 (p < 0.05),可見此運動器械尺寸條件需重新修正。 結論:本研究所提出之太極六式運動器械,在健康高齡組與腦中風偏癱高齡組均有相當良好的滿意度。僅第三式開合手在腦中風偏癱者組及女性組滿意度較低,可能是因為器械本身的高度限制,此部分需要進一步研究及修正。
Objectives: Inactivity is closely related to development of chronic disease and functional decline during aging. Limited researches have focused on the special needs of elderly people and patients with co-morbidity. In this study, we examined how the Tai Chi 6-form apparatus meet the need of the elderly and its clinical relevance. Methods: The Tai Chi 6-form apparatus was installed at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and evaluated for the elderly’s accessibility and satisfaction. Thirty four elderly subjects enrolled in this study. They were divided into two groups, the control group (20 healthy elders) and the stroke group (14 subjects with post-stroke hemiplegia). There were 19 men and 15 women. The mean age of the subjects was 68.6±0.07. Each subject received instruction on apparatus operation and then exercised for a 30-minute duration. Questionnaire was given to each subject to evaluate their satisfaction level. Results: (1). There was no significant difference in the total satisfaction scores between the control (healthy) and the stroke groups (4.40±0.47 to 4.73±0.25, p>0.05). (2). Requirements for the sports apparatus were different between the two groups. The elderly members in the control group used the sports apparatus mainly for lower limb exercise while their counterparts in the stroke group focused more on upper limb exercise. However, the difference did not reach statistical significance (p>0.05). (3). There were significantly lower scores in satisfaction with Tai Chi form No.3 (opening and closing the hand) for both the stroke group and the women subjects than healthy men. The height of Tai-Chi No.3 may contribute to such difference. Modification of the height for this apparatus design should be considered in future study. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the total satisfaction scores for the Tai Chi 6-form sports apparatus between the control and the stroke groups. However, the scores for form No.3 (the exercise of opening and closing the hand) were significantly lower in the stroke group and the women subjects, suggesting the need to modify the design of this sports apparatus.
頁(從 - 到)204-215
出版狀態已出版 - 2010


  • Elderly
  • Sport apparatus
  • Tai-Chi
  • Tai-Chi Chuan
  • 太極
  • 太極拳
  • 運動器械
  • 高齡者
