
Kuan-Chung Huang

研究成果: 期刊稿件文章同行評審


     墓志資料,記載人物的生平事蹟,及所涉及的政治、社會事 件,是研究當代人物、家族乃至政經現象的重要史料,但是由於考古發掘的時、地不一,資 料分散,以致其價值與意義未獲重視。本文係以整理近五十年來中國大陸出土的宋代墓志資 料為基礎,列舉若干案例,說明墓志資料對研究宋代歷史的價值。其中,有宋代著名文臣如 黃庭堅、張耒、范祖禹、呂惠卿、蔡京等人所撰,這些或可補其文集中所記文獻之不足,或 可校訂文集所錄資料的錯誤。本文所舉的出土墓志也可補充、修正 << 宋史 >> 相關列傳如 王拱辰、馮京、曹豳、施師點、劉瑾等事蹟的缺失。透過這些出土墓志,亦可使我們對一些 宋代著名朝臣的先世及後裔有所了解,如虞公著、張紘、翟高、張同之等人的墓志資料,是 研究虞允文、張浚、翟興、張孝祥等家族的發展與變遷的重要史料。此外,尚有若干資料, 是重建家族史的重要文獻,如河西折氏、德興張氏、浮梁程氏、鄱陽洪氏及眉山蘇氏均藉由 新出土的墓志資料,才得以重現。最值得重視的是,許多在史傳中沒有傳記的墓志資料出土 ,讓我們對宋代下層官員、商人、平民、婦女乃至少女、道士、殘疾者等不同階層人物所反 映的政治、軍事環境、社會現象乃至經濟、教育、文化情境,均有較充分的認識與掌握,這 些無凝是宋史研究的重要史料。本文列舉十二個不同例子,以供參考。儘管本文所能提供的 只是眾多宋代原始資料中的一小部分,但希望透過此介紹,促使相關研究者進一步去探尋不 同性質的史料內容與價值,擴大研究資料,開展研究議題與領域。本文討論的範圍是一九四 九年以迄一九九六年中國大陸學術期刊及專書上所登載的宋代墓志資料,共一百七十二件, 一百九十九人。凡作者對各項資料的史料價值的介紹,經查証無誤者,直接引用;須重加考 訂說明者,加以討論。
     Tomb inscriptions record people's lives and achievements, political involvement, and social affairs. They tell us much about the people of that time and their families, and as such, are a very important historical source. However, owing to differences in time and place of excavation sites, much of the tomb inscriptions remains disorganized, obscuring their value and significance. This project seeks to organize the tomb inscriptions unearther in Mainland China during the last fifty years, and by focusing on several specific examples, illustrate their value for Sung studies. Many of these inscriptions are composed by well-known Sung literary figures such as Huang T'ing-chien, Chang Lei, Fan Tsu-yu, Lu Hui-ch'ing, Ts'ai ching, and so forth, providing us with their otherwise irretrievable essays and literature. They also serve as valuable supplements to official histories such as the Sung Shi, and include notable biographies of individuals such as Wang Kung-ch'en, Feng Ching, Ts'ao Pin, Shih Shih-tien, Liu Chin and so forth. They provide us with information on various Sung dynasty officials and their descendants, for example, the tomb inscriptions of Yu Kung-chu, Chang Hung, Chai Kao, and Chang T'ung-chih, as also help us better understand families such as Yu Yun-wen, Chang chun, Chai Hsing, and Chang Hsiao-hsiang. Other useful materials provide information on certain family histories. More importantly, they provide for us a history of common folks. These inscriptions reflect cultural, political, economic, and military facts at all levels of society, and consequently give us a far more credible picture of daily life during the Sung period. This project looks at twelve specific case studies. Even though this project is on a small-scale and only represents a fraction of what is available to us, it is hoped that this paper will encourage other scholars to expand their efforts, add to the overall value of Sung scholarship, and promote further research. This article includes periodicals, journals, and texts on Sung dynasty tomb inscriptions published in mainland China between 1949 and 1996, a total of 172 works by 199 authors.
頁(從 - 到)143-185
出版狀態已出版 - 1998


  • 墓志銘
  • 宋史
  • 家族史
  • 文集
  • 校勘
  • 神道碑
  • 補遺
  • 輯補
