
陳 秀芳, Yun-Fang Tsai, 賴 其萬, 范 德鑫

研究成果: 期刊稿件文章同行評審


     目的:瞭解癲癇病患的生活品質狀態。病人與方法:採立意取樣(purposive sampling)的方式,以北、中、南及東部五所醫院因癲癇在門診治療,且持續以抗 癲癇藥物治療的病患為研究對象。經病患同意後,以癲癇生活品質量表-89中文 版,進行資料的收集,共收集122位個案。結果:生活品質總分(範圍0-100分) 平均為67.36分(Range =29.23-94.13, SD=14.52),各層面的平均值以生理健康層面 77.15分(SD=1.38)最高,癲癇標的層面60.08分(SD=2.00)最低,顯示國內癲癇病患 的生活品質及各層面的狀態均在普通程度,而且有較好的生理健康層面功能及較 差的癲癇標的層面功能。另外統計分析發現癲癇病患的教育程度、職業、家庭月 總收入、宗教信仰、首次發作年齡、發作頻率、藥物治療種類及合併(同時)中藥 治療等八個變項與生活品質總分呈現顯著差異。之後將有意義的變項以逐步複迴 歸法預測解釋癲癇病患生活品質的最大變異量,結果顯示發作頻率、教育程度、 職業及合併(同時)中藥治療等四個變項共可以解釋預測35%的生活品質變異量。 結論:本研究結果已初步瞭解影響癲癇病患生活品質的相關因素,可以作為未來 醫療專業人員協助癲癇病患改善其生活品質及縮短疾病適應過程的參考。(慈濟 醫學 2001; 13:47-55)
     Objectives: To investigate the quality of life of patients with epilepsy. Patients and Methods: Subjects were patients with epilepsy being treated with medication who presented at five hospitals in Taiwan. A total of 122 subjects were collected. Purposive sampling was used, and the Measure of Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-89 was employed for data collection. Results: The average score of quality of life was 67.36 (range 29.23-94.13, SD=14.52). The highest average score among all dimensions was 77.15 (physical health dimension, SD=1.38) and the lowest one was 60.08 (epilepsy target dimension, SD=2.00). These data demonstrate that the quality of life score and all dimensions were above average with better function in the physical health dimension and worse function in the epilepsy target dimension. Statistical analysis also showed that education, employment, monthly household income, age at onset, frequency of seizures, type of medication and Chinese medicines taken concurrently had a significant influence on quality of life. Stepwise regression showed that the four factors most predictive of quality of life were frequency of seizures, education, employment and Chinese medicines taken concurrently. These factors accounted for 35% of the variance of quality of life. Conclusions: The study serves as a preliminary investigation of the factors which influence quality of life of patients with epilepsy. Medical personnel should find the results useful in helping patients maximize their quality of life and minimize the adjustments needed for epilepsy. (Tzu Chi Med J 2001; 13:47-55)
頁(從 - 到)47-55
出版狀態已出版 - 2001


  • 生活品質
  • 癲?生活品質量表-89
  • 癲?病患
