Cellular dosimetry and microdosimetry for internal electron emitters

T. C. Chao, Y. S. Huang, F. Y. Hsu, Y. Hsiao, C. C. Lee, C. J. Tung*


研究成果: 期刊稿件文章同行評審

4 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Radiobiological descriptions of cellular dosimetry and microdosimetry require both radiation dose and radiation quality. The lineal energy, defined as a ratio of the energy deposition by a particle in the biological target and the mean chord length of this target, is generally adopted to characterise the radiation quality. Most microdosimetry applications assume that the cell nucleus is the target region. Therefore, the lineal energy is obtained for the source (S) to target (T) geometry, T S, where S5cell surface, cytoplasm, cell nucleus and T5cell nucleus. The definition of lineal energy is based on the approximation that the particle mean pathlength is equal to target mean chord length. This approximation is valid for crossers of external irradiations. In the case of starters, insiders and stoppers of internal sources, particle pathlengths are always shorter than target chord lengths. Thus, the lineal energy does not reflect the specific energy deposition along particle path. In the present work, the specific energy deposition in a target is calculated using three distance parameters, i.e. target mean chord length, particle mean pathlength in the target and particle individual pathlength in the target. Monte Carlo calculations are performed for electrons of various energies and cells of different sizes. Results are analysed and discussed.

頁(從 - 到)248-252
期刊Radiation Protection Dosimetry
出版狀態已出版 - 02 2011


深入研究「Cellular dosimetry and microdosimetry for internal electron emitters」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
