Constructing a bioinformatics platform with web and mobile services based on NVIDIA jetson TK1

Chun Yuan Lin*


    研究成果: 圖書/報告稿件的類型章節同行評審


    Current high-end graphics processing units (abbreviate to GPUs), such as NVIDIA Tesla, Fermi, Kepler series cards which contain up to thousand cores per-chip, are widely used in the high performance computing fields. These GPU cards (called desktop GPUs) should be installed in personal computers/ servers with desktop CPUs; moreover, the cost and power consumption of constructing a high performance computing platform with these desktop CPUs and GPUs are high. NVIDIA releases Tegra K1, called Jetson TK1, which contains 4 ARM Cortex-A15 CPUs and 192 CUDA cores (Kepler GPU) and is an embedded board with low cost, low power consumption and high applicability advantages for embedded applications. NVIDIA Jetson TK1 becomes a new research direction. Hence, in this paper, a bioinformatics platform was constructed based on NVIDIA Jetson TK1. ClustalWtk and MCCtk tools for sequence alignment and compound comparison were designed on this platform, respectively. Moreover, the web and mobile services for these two tools with user friendly interfaces also were provided. The experimental results showed that the cost-performance ratio by NVIDIA Jetson TK1 is higher than that by Intel XEON E5-2650 CPU and NVIDIA Tesla K20m GPU card.

    主出版物標題Data Analytics in Medicine
    主出版物子標題Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
    發行者IGI Global
    出版狀態已出版 - 06 12 2019


    Publisher Copyright:
    © 2020 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.


    深入研究「Constructing a bioinformatics platform with web and mobile services based on NVIDIA jetson TK1」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
