Herstellung von TPE-schläuchen Durch Wasserunterstützte Spritzgießtechnik

S. Liu*, K. Lin, C. Liu


研究成果: 專業出版物稿件的類型文章


The objective of this study was to manufacture thermoplastic elastomer tubes by a novel water assisted injection moulding technology and to experimentally investigate the effects of various processing parameters on the moulded parts quality. Styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene (SEBS) compounds based thermoplastic elastomers were used for all the experiments. Experiments were carried out on a lab-developed water assisted injection-moulding system, which included a water pump, a water injection pin, a water tank equipped with a temperature regulator, a pressure accumulator, and a control circuit A porous type water injection pin was designed and made to mold the parts. After moulding, the lengths of water penetration as well as the hollowed core ratios in molded tubes were measured. The effects of different processing parameters on the hollowed core ratios were determined.

貢獻的翻譯標題Manufacturing of TPE hoses by water assisted injection moulding
專業出版物Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe
出版狀態已出版 - 03 2009


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