PAHs and mutagenicity in air emissions from incineration of polystyrene/BaCl2

Jiann Hwa You*, Pen Chi Chiang, Kun Ten Chang, Shenq Chyi Chang


研究成果: 圖書/報告稿件的類型會議稿件同行評審


The objectives of this research work are focused on identifying the formation of PAHs and soots particulates from the incineration of polystyrene with BaCl2 additive under various stage-two temperatures and with various oxygen supplies. The mutagenicity in the air emissions under various incineration conditions is also investigated and analyzed. The critical temperature was found to be about 900 DGRC in the second-stage incinerator for the formation of PAHs and soot particulates. The maximum concentration of PAHs and soot particulates. The maximum concentration of PAHs is approximate 8.5 × 104 ug/g-p.s. The formations of PAHs was drastically decreased to the level of 1.4 × 103 ug/g-p.s., where oxygen was supplied at 0.21 NL/min and when the temperature was controlled at 900 °C. Concerning the mutagenicity in the air emissions and when the pyrolysis temperature was increased from 700 to 1200 °C, the maximum mutagenicity of particulates and PUF extracts occurred at 1100 °C and was 3312 Rev./plate and 1404 Rev./plate, respectively. The mutagenicity of PUF extracts was weaker than the mutagenicity of particulates extracts. When oxygen supply was increased to 0.210 Nl/min and the stage-two temperature was controlled at 900 °C, the mutagenicity of particulates and PUF extracts abruptly increased and was 1910 Rev./plate and 129 Rev./ plate, respectively. However, the mutagenicity was much higher in the test sample using the S9 additive than that observed in the test sample not using the S9 additive.

主出版物標題Hazardous and Industrial Wastes - Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference
編輯Allen P. Davis
發行者Publ by Technomic Publ Co Inc
出版狀態已出版 - 1993
事件Proceedings of the 25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference - College Park, MD, USA
持續時間: 07 07 199309 07 1993


名字Hazardous and Industrial Wastes - Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference


ConferenceProceedings of the 25th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference
城市College Park, MD, USA


深入研究「PAHs and mutagenicity in air emissions from incineration of polystyrene/BaCl2」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
